I sent in our order to Sonlight for next years curricula this morning.  I fell a little nostalgic because this is our seventh year and the first when I did not have to buy a core curriculum.  The cores are great because they include a pile of novels and biographies that all of us just love to read.  I had to make a hard and fast rule that the kids could not even touch the books until is was time to read them during the year.  I always weakened a little though and let them read the back cover just so long as they did not open the books.  This year, we bought the Apologia Chemistry program for Kelly, some consumable supplies, and a microscope for Christian’s Apologia Biology.  We will have both Kelly and Christian do the microscope work this year because we really had a pretty lousy microscope last year.  I will buy the REA Analyzing and Interpreting Literature CLEP study book today.  A little later this year we will have to buy Thinkwell Calculus for Kelly and another seat of Thinkwell Precalculus for Christian and a few more CLEP study materials, but that will be it.  I think the only thing we will have to buy this time next year will be some consumable science materials for Christian and an online subscription or two for math and CLEP study.  The plan is for Kelly to start at the community college at that time.  Boy does time fly.