I just called Lorena to tell her to pick up some carpet glue when she goes to Costco.  We need it to finish the cat tower.  Even though one of our computers broke, it is not going to slow me down much in terms of our computer project, it is only going to cause me to have to do more work.  Nevertheless, the computer breaking and all these comments about what to do with the time gained from not programming for two hours per night has gotten me to thinking about what it would be cool to try to accomplish this summer OFF the computer.  The FIRST thing that came to mind was the cat tower.  Of course we read our book every night, too, and that counts, but I was thinking more about manual projects.  So, one of my bride’s biggest complaints is that we have a massive number of books on the floor in the bonus room from six years of homeschool.  Now, the thing we have to decide is whether to buy something old and nasty from Craig’s list to refinish or to try to do something from scratch.  I am inclined to try to find something to refinish because I have done that before and very much enjoyed it.  I will negotiate with the boss on that idea this weekend.