"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Pictures of the half complete cat tower

We did not finish the cat tower, but we got the first two towers up.  The cats were so pleased we thought we would put up a picture anyway.  We are getting close, but we ran out of rope for the tall tower so we will have to wait until next week.  My weekend was mostly a programming weekend.  I had some stuff I need to complete from my day job and some additional infrastructure stuff for the GaugeCam project.  The GaugeCam project is quite a lot of work.  It is one of those kinds of projects where you do not realize how much stuff you have to do until you get there and they are revealed one at a time.  The good thing about the project is that I am learning a lot about cross platform programming.  The good thing is that the kids had a swim meet in Cary on Saturday where I am not particularly needed.

The big event this week is the arrival of Grandma Conchita, Uncle Jorge, Aunt Mari, and Cousins Jorgito, Valeria, and Brandon for a week of vacation.  We are very excited they are coming.


Kelly’s (and Betty Blonde’s) one year anniversary


Betty Blonde First Year Anniversary T-SHIRT GIVEAWAY EXTRAVAGANZA!!!


  1. Trisha

    Yes, Just what I have been waiting for: pix of the CAT TOWER! Looks like they know it is for them. 🙂

  2. Dad

    We were amazed. Rubix just showed up, jumped up on the post, and acted like she owned the thing. We hauled Kiwi over, put her on the taller post, and she just sat there acting pleased with herself. We can hardly wait to get the higher towers into place!

  3. Deanne

    The cat tower is looking good. I like the idea of the rope. I think we could use that on ours.It would help out if we run out of carpet and I think the three cats would enjoy it. What did you use to cut the carpet? Sorry if I already asked this question.

    I’m just not sure what my cats are going to think when I start ripping off the old carpet. Perhaps I could just lay out the old carpet so they can lounge on it while I’m trying to put the new on.

    We are also going to paint our kitchen.

    Thanks for the picture.

  4. Dad

    We just used and box cutter (exacto) knife. It worked great! Send us a pic when you are done!

  5. Deanne

    We are going to start with painting the kitchen. We need to make a final decision on the exact color of the walls. Hopefully this project will be completed in the next two weeks. Then we should start on the cat tower. This week we will gather some of the supplies to be ready next week. We have the carpet. I need the glue, exacto knife blades, rope, staples and the paint supplies.

  6. Dad

    Excellent Deanne! We have company coming next week from out of the country, so we need to get our cat tower finished before they arrive so Lorena doesn’t burn the thing down. We are almost there and the cats appear to love it!

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