"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33


We will always be grateful to XXXXXX XXXXXX*, one of the teachers at Kelly’s last government school.  She and the principal of the school, XXXX XXXXXXXX* (recently retired), are the ones who finally convinced us that it would be good for us to homeschool our children.  I have a couple of links to the teacher that are enlightening.*

*I got rid of the names and links because, after I read the post again, I recognized that I would not like someone to do this to me, even if it WERE true.  Indeed, we really ARE thankful that we were motivated, no matter how difficult the circumstances, to homeschool our children.  Beside that, with the links, this was a very snarky post and I do not like snarky.


Homeschool: 2009-2010 purchases


A free weekend with a big agenda


  1. Neil

    Snarky in moderation for the curious!!

  2. Dad

    Well, let’s just say that I have well into double digits worth of hand written notes describing my wholly unsatisfactory conversations with the teacher and the principal. The links were to a website that described someone else’s extreme displeasure with the teacher over some dealings they felt were not on the up and up. Which Neil is this????

  3. Neil Duerst

    We are having out own challenges with the Public Schools. Very interesting to read your system. Thanks

  4. Neil Duerst

    See, I went to public schools and I can’t spell “our”

  5. Dad

    Hey Neil, send me your phone number at my email address (the contact link at the top left) and I will give you a call.

  6. Hey Neil!
    How’s my old roommate doing!?

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