"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

All programming all the time

My side projects are starting to catch up with me.  Right now, I have two volunteer programming projects on which I am working that have need of my efforts before the they can move forward.  My long term project with the USGS in Vancouver, Washington is making great progress, but I need to make some program tweaks so the research can move forward more smoothly.  My new project with the Ag Engineering Department at NCSU now has most of the mechanical and computer hardware in place, so now they need a program to run all the stuff so their project can move forward.  Christian has his work cut out for him, too.  So, I will be light on blog posting and heavy on programming for, at least, through the Fourth of July holiday.  Of course, I will try to put some pictures up and post every day, but a lot of my time will be spent banging away at the computer while the kids are swimming, crafting, playing with other kids, and, hopefully, helping out around the house.


Theatre in the Park


Loren, my old college roommate


  1. Ruthie

    Side projects….hmmm…everything here has taken a backseat to painting….so my ‘side ‘project’ has become my project. I am even skipping seeing the kids do their duties at VBS. I went the first night and will go tomorrow night for the last night when they do a big wrap-up for the week of fun and learning about the Lord. They have been home late every night this week and too exhausted to do much to help me out in the few hours they do spend at home. So the kitchen paint job is left to me. All the walls will be done hopefully today(the whole house except my bedroom and both bathrooms). Then I will take a much needed break during the heat wave coming up in California before tackling all the trim.

  2. Trisha

    Hi, this is not good. You weird programmer type o’ dude! You must make time for fun in the SUN!!
    The beach is calling you….. sand between your toes…….

  3. Dad

    Well, Ruthie, I think things like the completion of a paint job have a satisfaction all their own. You can actually see that you have done something good! Of course, a needed break at a California beach, river, lake, or even swimming pool on a hot day is pretty satisfying, too!

    And Trisha, I can tell, knows that, too, but the beaches in Texas are not nearly as nice as those in California!

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