"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Day: June 12, 2009

Sweet Georgia Brown

This was too good to pass up Thanks for passing this on Kathy Carpenter!!!  I hope Christian achieves such elegance and joy in his guitar efforts!

The first swim meet of 2009 and an important reminder

This will be a very busy weekend.  We have the first swim meet of the season at a YMCA summer camp well north of Raleigh on Saturday morning.  My first audio CD’s arrived via inter-library loan at the Holly Springs so we have to go pick them up. There is a party for Christian after the swim meet.  I have a ton of (very cool) programs to write for a water inspection project I am working on in Oregon.  We really wanted to go to a play this weekend with Lester and Esther, but it is just not going to happen.  Normally, we go to the Library on Saturday, but that is out because of the swim meet and party, so we will try to do that this afternoon when I get home from work.  It REALLY feels like summer now.  There are no more tests looming over our heads, the kids have moved to morning swim practices, it is too hot to sleep.  It is light outside when I leave for work a little before six o’clock every morning.  Now the only thing we need to not forget to do is GO PICK BLUEBERRIES!!!

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