I almost forgot to write about the fact that we went to see a play called Charlie’s Aunt at Raleigh’s Theatre in the Park last Saturday with the Steppes.  The play was first performed in 1892 and is absolutely hilarious.  We had actually seen it before at the Albany Civic Theater, th little community theater in Albany, a few years back.  I think that is about a good a play as you can get for those kinds of venues.  The next candidate for a return is a play about the writing of the screen play for Gone With the Wind, but it is not until February, so we were a little disappointed that we will have to wait so long.  After the play we went to a fabulous little Mexican restaurant named Dos Taquitos in Raleigh.  It is owned by a Columbian lady and we were waited on by a nice Basque girl.  The food was dissimilar to anything to any of the other Mexican food we have had in the area, but was very, very good.  We highly recommend it.