Our homeschool has always been very goal oriented.  Every year so far, we have surpassed most of our goals by a lot, but fallen short by a week or two in one or two minor areas.  In the summer, I like the kids to have a few little things to do.  The first couple of years it was fifteen minutes Mavis Beacon Typing per day.  After that it was always always Rosetta Stone Spanish.  We did art, too, but that kind of did not count because it was too much fun.  So, every year I get the idea in my head that the fifteen minute per day thing should be used to make up for the one or two minor areas where we fell a little short on our goals.  It usually takes me a week or two to remember that it absolutely stinks to have to work on hard academic stuff all summer long, then return to full time homeschool in the fall with a high level of enthusiasm.  It took a day and a half long road trip to come to my senses this summer (Thanks to the Steljes Family!).

After meeting I sat and corrected a bunch of Christian’s math.  I realized that it was time for a break for a break.  Both the kids will still continue with their math, but at a much lower key than I had originally planned.  I was going to have them start French as well as continue with their Spanish this summer.  Well, this weekend, we saw the kids playing with all their friends and realized that homeschool is not just about academics.  The heavy academic stuff can wait until fall.  Right now, we are going to concentrate on swimming, art, a visit or two to the beach, a visit to see friends and family in Oregon, some music, maybe a play or two, a barbecue or two, and generally just a lot of hanging out together.  The funny deal is, we will probably be way more recharged in the fall and will benefit academically, too!