"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Hope for improvement in social graces

I think I have finally gotten the web theme to the point where it is not completely embarrassing.  Troy helped me find a bug last night that I think I fixed this morning.  I want to make more changes, but they will have to wait until I get some other things out of the way.  This is one of those times when the time available for self reflection is at a minimum.  That is why I very much appreciate Kelly’s post from yesterday.  I am glad she thinks about topics like “Social Graces”.  It is interesting that the book we are reading aloud in the evening about how to make the best use of your voice, even in tense or intimidating situations.  Those situations do not seem unlike the social situations Kelly describes in her post.  If things get tense, people start acting weird.  Some people are better at dealing with that than others.  I am sure practice really helps, but practice without some way of knowing what it is you need to change to maximize graciousness can actually exacerbate the problem.  Thinking, talking, and reading about how others deal with these issues is a good thing.  I certainly am excited that I might learn something about how to be more gracious.  Or at least, learn how to be less of a clod.


Social Graces (or lack thereof)


ACT Scores came back!


  1. Anonymous

    Hi, your page is all messed up. There is a rectangular border that is overlapping things. a big yellow rectangle with this:

    Help! Cannot read!

    in it is blocking part of yours and Kelly’s posts.

  2. Dad

    Here we go again! Thanks Ruthie. I will work on it as soon as I get home (in about a half an hour. I am sorry!

  3. Dad

    Ruthie, Did that help?

  4. Ken, I love the picture of the light in the header. Very cool. I am probably the only person on the planet still using a desktop with screen settings of 800 x 600, but when I look at the blog, a portion of the writing is covered by items in the sidebar so I cannot read it all. You probably already know that and may have even written about it and it’s something I cannot read, but just wanted you to know. Aside from that though, I love the look. And if you are writing your own WordPress theme, that is VERY cool. I always just find one someone else wrote, but I would love to know how to write my own. I guess I might try to learn some day.


  5. Dad

    Lynn, Thanks for the tip on the appearance. I downloaded a theme from the internet that I liked, then started modifying it. I write code for a living, so it is not so bad to figure out. My problem is that I need to get a minimal system to run it on so I can figure out what does not look right. We read your blog daily and it is truly amazing.

  6. Gabharts

    We are getting the overlap too…on both monitor screen and laptop, for whatever that’s worth!

  7. Dad

    Audrey, Are you STILL getting the overlap? I thought I had fixed it, but I guess not?

  8. Catherine

    No more overlap for me anymore! The latin testing text is displaying at the bottom of the comments pages…fyi.

  9. Dad

    Thanks Catherine. I know about the Latin thing and have been trying to think of something awesome to put there. I have not yet come up with anything.

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