"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Sewing and Sarcasm

As Dad mentioned, I was feeling especially crafty this weekend.  I have rather strange weekends.  They all have a feeling. I have lazy weekends, baking cookies weekends, organizing weekends, e-mail weekends, crabby weekends, reading weekends, swimming weekends… the list goes on and on. 🙂

So I learned how to use the sewing machine – kind of.  I’m still figuring it out, but I’m pretty sure I have the basics.  After seeing Grandma whip up a skirt in two hours, I’ve been really wanting to learn.  I know it’s not an overnight thing though.  The little pillow that I made is definitely proof that sewing takes lots and lots of practice.  I also took pictures of all my projects and artsy stuff, played with my face paint a little, made two comic strips and re-organized my closet and cleaned my room.  It was quite a productive weekend actually.

Now more seriously…

I’ve been thinking about sarcasm a little bit. I suppose it can be funny and all that, but it seems to me that more often it is cruel and cold.  A few weeks ago I read somewhere that sarcasm is a form of weakness.  That thought has been stuck in my head for a while.  Sarcasm was rather a way of life back in the Northwest.  We still encounter it a bit here in the south, but more infrequently. I for one am glad of the fact.  I guess I could elaborate on this subject, but it’s not worth it.

Have a great Monday!


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Quality Corners getting fun and interesting


  1. Karen

    Way to go Kelly – pretty soon your clothes will have your very individual signature all over them!

  2. Dad

    I like very much what you said about sarcasm. I think it can be a very bad habit, but even when it is supposed to be funny, it is most often hurtful.

  3. I love that you have weekends that are a feeling! Very good and I can relate! Well, I’ve done my share of sewing in past years and would say “good on ya” for learning! It will never make you sorry you did and can be very handy. I can remember well how many clothes I could have if I made my own versus buying them new at the store. Now days I am a bit more lazy and think my time is more valuable:) Can you imagine? I still love a fun project though.

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