Everyone is running around like crazy to get everything complete for the big trip to Mexico. Kelly needs to draw several more comics before she goes, there are a few gifts to buy, the bags need to be packed, etc, etc. On a trip like this, we want to both complete all the homeschool and get everything we will do when we get back organized and neat. It is difficult to get started on homeschool after a weekend if things are missing and not where we expect them to be. After two weeks it is almost impossible. Tonight, when we get home from the bible study, we have to get right to bed because the plane leaves at 7:00 AM tomorrow morning. That means we will have to get up at 4:00 AM to get to the airport on time. The airport is right by where I work, so I will get a very early start tomorrow.

My buddy, John Stranzl, came over to the house last night to look at some of our work together. He met the family, played the guitar, and had a nice visit with everyone. We enjoyed having him and hope he makes it back soon.

August 10, 2004 – Working late again
August 24, 2004 – Back to blogging