This morning I got on the scale and saw that I am now down over 40 lbs. from when Bryan and I first started the weight loss death match. I see that Lyle is posting regularly again now and he is headed in the right direction. I think Bryan must have gone on a huge eating binge since he hit his final goal because he has not posted since then and I still owe him dinner for winning the bet. I think I have at least 10 lbs. more to lose before I am at a good weight. As soon as I lose the next ten pounds, I will make a decision about whether I want to lose any more. I want to buy some new clothes that actually fit me at that point. Right now, I only have one pair of pants that fit. I could not even fasten the button on them when I was at my peak.

I am going to take off from work about an hour early this afternoon to pick up my family at the airport. They were supposed to get up at about 3:00 AM this morning to head for the airport at 4:00. It is about an hour drive from Grandpa Lauro’s house. They get into the airport at about 2:30 PM EDT. If they are hungry, I will take them all out to eat. If not we will just head home. Christian said they had some more good pictures for us to put up, so maybe I will do that tomorrow.

October 13, 2004 – A slow night
October 14, 2004 – A better system on a trying day