"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Day: October 15, 2008

Mexico again

Lazy days here in Monterrey…
Today we went to the local mall.  It’s two minutes away from the house, literally.  We had fun there… it’s actually a surprisingly familiar place!!!  It’s interesting to see how much I remember from previous visits.

Anyway, nothing too special happened there.  It’s identical to most small American malls except they have more taco places at the food court and everything’s in pesos. 

Observations at home:

It’s dangerous to poke your fingers into a parrot cage.
Eating 6 tamarind candies at once is not good for your stomach.
When it rains, it pours.
Never, ever let grandpa start talking about watches, music of any kind, or famous opera singers.
Chicken a la king MUST have some Tabasco, or else it’s too ‘desabrido’
Starving pit bulls do roam free along the streets
Calamine lotion, bug spray, Vick’s vapor rub (say veek-vahpoh-roob very quickly) and hand sanitizer do nothing to prevent mosquito bites.

There’s more, but I must be off to meeting.
Sorry this is so short!!! 🙁

Quiet in Mexico

I talked to the Lorena and the kids in Mexico last night while I was washing clothes and doing a chores around the house. As is always the case when we visit Mexico the weekends are crazy with barbecues, visits to Allende, site-seeing, shopping, etc. Then, during the week, all the Mexicans have to go to work and to school, so we go from 5000 miles per hour down to about 2 miles per hour. That is where the kids are now. They might be getting a little bored. So, Kelly is planning to do a bunch of Betty Blonde comics so we will have enough for next week and beyond. She is also going to write one or two blog posts. Christian is working on installing Xubuntu on an old, piece or trash computer for his Tio Lynn. I think he is going to write about that for NerdHow. By the way, did you notice that today’s Betty Blonde was written by Christian. Lorena, of course, has many hours of important conversation with her mother planned. Really, that is the one thing that does not change whether it is the weekend or mid-week.

October 1, 2004 – Worker visit
October 4, 2004 – Busy weekend

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