"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Negotiating changes

Well we got most of the problems worked out in trying to move into a new house.  There are a couple of sticking points left, but we have to have them worked out in the next couple of days.  We are very excited about the move.  I am hoping to get back to work on some cool projects with Kelly and Christian over the next little while so that we do not have such a bland blog.  Kelly and I have decided to try to cook up a batch or two of bread before Thanksgiving while Christian and I will continue to work on the cat tower.

I am proposing to Kelly that we make this bread.  Braided bread is the best and you cannot go wrong with sesame seeds.  If we make up 7 or 8 loaves of this for Thanksgiving, I bet they will all be eaten before I go back to work on Monday.  What do you think Kelly?


Life continues as we try to work out the issues on the house


The weekend project – bread trials


  1. Hunter Summey

    You made me hungry again!

  2. Hunter Summey

    By the way…I was wrong,Christian! We won’t see each other till December!

  3. Oh no! I’d save some bread from Kelly for you, Hunter, but by December, they would all be stale! 🙁

  4. Also, dad, I found the equivalent to the garbage disposal inside of popsci:


    You throw in food and compost comes out every two weeks without any odor.The company is hideously green, but that doesn’t make it a lame product. But the bad part is that it costs $300. Anyhow, it slides out of where a cabinet would go and you can put in 4 pounds per day. Its at naturemill.com

  5. Dad

    That is VERY cool Christian. We need to look at what they are doing and see if we can do it ourselves. Maybe we can buy a garbage disposal and turn it into something like this. What do you think. I am going to ask Troy what he thinks.

  6. Yes! But where would the compost go?

  7. Dad

    By the time you are finished, the thing at the bottom of the box is nothing more than REALLY rich soil.

  8. Hunter Summey

    When we had our goats,chickens,and rabbits,we had a compost pile.It
    made the soil VERY rich and black!

  9. Dad

    I bet you had a great garden using that soil, Hunter.

  10. Hunter Summey

    Not really but we tried!

  11. Hunter Summey

    Sorry,I forgot the comma!

  12. Dad

    That is excellent that you tried it. Do you think you will try again someday?

  13. Hunter Summey

    I doubt it.

  14. Hey Dad that sounds delicious!!!!! I can’t wait! 🙂

  15. I was talking more in the scope of “I have to unscrew the garbage disposal so that I can take the compost tea out and continue washing the dishes”

  16. Dad

    Well, I was thinking we should plumb it and wire it so that it would work all by itself! We could do that you know.

  17. Hunter Summey


  18. Karen

    You guys are just too ingenius! (I hope I spelled that right!) Now time to quit talking and do!! Let us know how it really works, by that I mean in the practical sense!! The house sounds exciting and we’re looking forward to a sneak preview or some such! We miss you guys! Good days to you!!

  19. Dad

    Thanks Karen! We will keep you posted. The stuff we make usually does not work, but it is fun to build!

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