We have been working very hard getting ready for the second trial run with a big customer at work.  The algorithms I am developing are critical to the success of the product.  I have been at my new company for six months now and we have made great progress, but we do not yet know if it is good enough to meet the aggressive goals set by our customer.  We will find that out between now and the end of the year.  My alloted time for input into the system is now over, so I will move on to work on other ways to improve our product for future opportunities.  I have enjoyed my work very much in this new position and done everything possible to get the system to where it is.  We all believe that we will hit our goals, but we do not want to count our chickens before they are hatched.  It is nice to have this part of the project wrapped up with an opportunity to start on the next project with a clean slate.

This weekend, Christian and I are going to work on the cat tower some more.  We would really like to get it finished before we move into the new house.  I will try to shoot some video of it, too.  As for Kelly, I am hoping to film another recipe with her this weekend.  It was so much fun to do the first one that I want to follow it up with something else, now that we know a little more about how to do it.  Maybe we will able to get the last one completed so we can put it up on YouTube this weekend, too.