"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Day: November 10, 2007

A mile of water at Impact

Unbelievable. I rarely get the chance to see the kids swim anymore. Right now, I am sitting at the health club to which we belong watching the kids swim laps. It is truly amazing. It seemed just like yesterday that I was watching them struggle to swim the width of the pool. This is a twenty-five meter pool. Both of the kids will have swam 33 laps (down and back 33 times = 50 yards per lap * 33 = 1804.461945 yards = 1.02526246875 miles. WOW! That is over a mile of swimming! VERY impressive. No way I could do it. I think Aunt Alma could. Not me. It is very impressive to have done this. Their form is nothing like I ever remembered. I am glad we started them swimming early. It was a gift my mother gave to me. I am glad that it was something I could give Kelly and Christian.

Doing so testing on our new (hopefully) house

Even though the builder has not yet accepted our offer, we are very excited about the idea of getting into a new house.  Right now I am at the Holly Springs Public Library drinking coffee (of course) and writing in the blog.  In a little bit, we will make the critical drive from here to the new house to see how long it takes.  It is not that we will quit coming here if the drive is longer, it is just that it will be fun to know.  My working theory is the drive is about the same, but we will not know until we punch it into the GPS, hop in the car and make the drive.  The house is on a lot that is more than twice as big as the Albany house lot.  The house has a much bigger kitchen, is newer, and in a much nicer setting with a better view than our old house.  We hope we are able to get it.

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