"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Day: November 3, 2007

Working on a Saturday

Well, I got up at 5:00AM this morning to go into work.  It was really not too bad.  I started early so I could get off early and be with the family.  I would really like to do some reading with the kids today.  We have not done that for a long time.  I also would like to work on our cat tower and take some movies of the process so Christian can do an Instructables or YouTube video.  He is up to over 2500 hits on his hovercraft video.  We will get better as we do more of them.  I am going to have Christian put the first video together for our KamVu program.  That little program is coming right along, but I do not have too much time to work on it.  Hopefully, we will do our first Alpha release of the program over Thanksgiving.

We are looking forward to going to the Steljis home for Thanksgiving.  It appears that there will be quite an international crowd there.  Our family will be representing Mexico, but there will be families there from Jamaica, too.  And of course, Warren (or as the kids call him – Miss Turbone) is a citizen of the world.

Our new logo

I had to work at my day job today (a Saturday).  It was mindless work running a bunch of samples through the machine we make to get ready for a big lab trial.  So I decided I would try to design us a logo.  You can see it at the top of this page.  Other than that, the only thing I have done since I last wrote is do a bunch of internal work on the calibration class.  I have plenty of work left to do on that, but I still think I can get it and the line tool we need to do manual measurements by the end of next weekend.  I will keep writing on the manual and Bob will keep giving me feed about both the program and the user guide.

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