"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Woo hoo! – calculus, tennis, and one more pound

This was Christian’s idea:

The really big news of the week is that Lorena got an 89 on her calculus midterm, so she continues to make great progress on her degree. She studies hard. Kelly, Christian, and I are wildly impressed; it is not an easy class.

Yesterday Kelly and Christian went to their first tennis class. I think they are really going to enjoy it. I hope Kelly writes a post here to describe their first class, her impressions about what she learned, and the new people they met.

Today will finish my fifth complete of spending at least 30 minutes on the elliptical machine six out of seven days per week–if I get my workout done today and I plan to do that. Now that I am over fifty, I know that I have to take it a lot more slowly. I am going fast enough to get a good sweat for twenty-five or thirty minutes of the workout, but slow enough to listen while Kelly and Christian take turns reading to me while the other works on a jigsaw table in the bonus room. Eating wise, I am doing pretty well, too. Lorena is making really healthy stuff and I am working to eat the right amounts–that is the hard part.

Bryan vs. Ken Weight Loss Cage Match
Bryan: -8
Ken: -5



Tennis starts today and big Quality Corners news




  1. Working to eat the right amounts means I have to eat ALL my own leftovers and mushrooms and onions and peppers now. 🙂

  2. Why not use “Two Progress Bars” for your weight loss craze?

  3. Dad

    Hey! The calories I get from anything I eat from your plate do not count!

  4. Dad

    The progress bar thing is a GREAT idea!

  5. Christian

    Thank you

  6. JoAnn Waldo

    Good Job Ken!!! It really takes alot of determination to stick with any exercise program and I do know how hard it is….I’m really struggling with the walking on a steady basis. However I know I don’t lose if I don’t exercise along with my eating good. Last week it seems that EVERY time I was ready to walk, it was either snowing, raining, hailing or too hot!!! Just joking about the too hot 🙂 Tomorrow we will be moving Todd to Eugene so I will get a little work-out then.

  7. Bryan Joyce

    242 THIS AM!! so that means -8 for me!!

    I wonder if the graph would look better (for me) if the weight loss was a percentage of height!? 😉 hmm… no that wouldn’t work. how about a percentage of age? no. that won’t work either. guess I just need to eat less and… (can’t tell you, JoAnn is watching.) 😉

  8. Bryan Joyce

    can I post pictures here using html?

    just checking.

    and by the way… I always weight myself in the morning.

  9. Bryan Joyce

    guess not.

    how about this: http://www.chehalem.com/Shelby!.jpg

  10. Bryan Joyce

    ok… that didn’t work either…. so try this:


  11. Bryan Joyce

    comeon!! It’s been 5 mins since I posted -8 and the graph isn’t updated yet!!!!

  12. Dad

    Hey! I have to paint EVERY pixel by hand! Actually, we are going to have to wait until Monday to post the graphic because the program I wrote to create and upload it is at work.

  13. Dad


    I will try to make it so you can post images.

  14. Bryan Joyce

    Monday huh… well you might as well make it -9 😉 I’m having to work most of the weekend.

  15. Dad

    Man, you are hurting me. Why are you working on the weekend?

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