"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Reading aloud (again) for homeschool

Homeschool day 11 of 180

Kelly, Christian, and I started reading Call It Courage last night. It is a grand book. For the last two years, Christian’s third and fourth grade homeschool programs were ones that Kelly did not use because she started back into homeschool in the fifth grade. Now that Christian is in the fifth grade, he is doing the program Kelly used for that grade. Our read aloud books were all books that Kelly had not yet read. This year though, most of the books we will read aloud are books that Kelly already read to herself. Call It Courage is one of those books. Because it is a grand book, Kelly is having a grand time with it for the second time. I was a little bit worried about whether this would work, but the books are Newberry Award books, Caldecott Award books, and such. I believe we are going to have a grand time reading them all.


A free weekend


Photos from the past


  1. Excellent use of the word “grand” dad, absolutely excellent!

  2. Dad

    As the Dean of the school I must point out that you missed a grand opportunity. You might have said, “Grand use of the word ‘grand’, Dad. Absolutely grand!”

    Also, you missed “and such.”

  3. Dad

    ooooo… bad miss Dad, bad miss. It most definetely was not grand if you will. You also might note that I did not capitalize your name and such. TERRIBLY sorry Dad, terribly sorry.

  4. Dad

    | ~ |\\|  -|-   | -|-   I_. |_| ~ -|-   |_~ |\\* /\\ /\\/ |)   -|- |-| /\\ -|-   \\/_ 0 |_|   ( /\\ /\\/ -|-   |\\* [- /\\ |)   -|- |-| | ~  ?????

  5. Dad

    Yes, It IS readable.
    in a wierd sort of way
    AND ABOVE ALL IT IS NOT CODED< AND IT IS ENGLISH (If you look at it right)

  6. JoAnn Waldo

    What grand neighbors you all are and we love living in this grand world with you! I was wondering if you, Ken, grand person that you are would be able to stop for a bit and fix my not so grand IMing?

    I would be grandly indebted to you! JoAnn

    PS wasn’t our meeting so very special on Sunday??

  7. Dad

    JoAnn, I would be HAPPY to do that. This evening after work would be a grand time for me!

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