"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Month: June 2006

Annual research reports are posted

Both Christian and Kelly have finished their annual research reports and I have posted them on the internet in PDF format. You can look at them here. The each did a great job. That pretty much wraps up the heavy part of homeschool. All we have left is a little math for each of them, filming of the bible memorization, and some Spanish. We will try to finish up the math this summer. We do not normally plan to do anything during the summer, but because of the disruption caused by the move to Texas, we will do a couple minor things to get back on schedule. Of course we will do Marvis Blinkin’ as in every other summer, but also Christian will continue with Rosetta Stone Spanish and Kelly will continue with Teaching Textbooks Pre-algegra.

Reading Reports

Christian and I are just about done with our reading reports. We’ll just go through them once more I think and then we can print them out and send them to everyone. Christian did the Internal Combustion Engine and I did a comparison of the Pyramids of Egypt to the Pyramids of Latin America. Last year Christian did a report on Flight and I did a report on Newspapers. I’m already thinking of what I should do next year. Maybe the history of door knobs or something interesting like that. Yesterday, after meeting we went to the Home Depot with Mom and Dad and then we came home and played outside for the rest of the day. It was fun. Today we will finish up our reading and history ): and then maybe make a list of all our books.

We are also planning to do our math and Spanish. (Don’t worry Dad)

Clean-up week

All of the reading and reporting for the school year is pretty much done.  All there is left to do is put the final touch on the annual reports, do some math and Spanish, and get ready for Marvis Blinkin’.  Hopefully, the kids will run down to the library today to get their summer reading cards along with enough books to get them started.  We are on a big push now to get the bonus room cleaned up and ready for the summer.  Part of that is getting an inventory of all the books in the Sonlight and other programs so we can know what to order for next year.

Tony, Martha, and Josh came over yesterday afternoon and we had a nice time talking the them.  I showed them how to use Skype.  I am completely amazed with Skype.  It really is better for us than the telephone for our calls to Mexico.  When we get the wireless headset, it will even be better for our domestic long distance calls.  Tony says he is going to get DSL put in at his house so they can use it for their long distance.

Almost out of School!!

Monday is just about the last day of school! We have 5 gazillion plans for the summer. Last summer we didn’t play outside as much but we sat around inside and read or played on the computer. This summer will be different. I resolve to play tag, hide and go seek, capture the flag, kickball and anything else that is outside. We are going to do the Independence Day Parade, the Summer Reading Program, and all the cool stuff that they have at the library (including the Albany Idol Competition) I are going to pick berries, ride bikes, swim in the pool and read The King of the Trees. I think we are ready for the summer. But I’m a little sad about the ending of the school year. It always gets so familiar and the books are so good and everything… and then summer comes.

Mom’s kitchen is looking awesome. We all can’t wait until it’s done! They put the Quartz Countertops on yesterday and like Dad said, they will bring most of the appliances today!! I think Mom LOoooooooooooooooooooooves her kitchen.

Oh, one more thing. To our family and friends who read this blog (besides Mom and Dad and Christian) on behalf of Christian, Hannah, Hailey, and Jacob, Kaktus Kids would like to offer you an oppurtunity to get our magazine!! (we are very desperate! Please send us some mag material!) Do all of you read it?

The rest of the appliances arrive today

The new counter tops look great.  One of them was cut wrong so we will have to get a new one sometime next week, but they are absolutely beautiful.  We are so happy that we went with quartz instead of granite.  Today, all the rest of the appliances are supposed to arrive.  That includes the refrigerator, the oven, the microwave, the warmer, the dishwasher, and the all important stove hood.  The electrician is supposed to be there on Monday and the plumber is scheduled for Tuesday.  The kitchen could be complete before next weekend if the replacement counter top arrives on time.

Christian and I installed the new Ubuntu Linux Dapper Drake on our homeschool computer last night.  It is really amazing.  All that things that were a struggle before just loaded up and ran this time.  That includes all the DVD stuff, Flash for the Firefox browser, email, networking, etc.  The one disappointment is that the version of Skype we have on Linux does not work as well as the one on windows, but that is a minor thing.  I forgot to try printing with our printer, but I have never had any problems with that on previous version, so I doubt if it will be much of a problem on this one.

The counter tops come today

We had a nice bible study last night and I set Lorena up to be able to talk to her mother over the computer via Skype.  The new version of Ubuntu Linux called Dapper Duck comes out today.  I am currently downloading it so we can upgrade our linux computer.  We are waiting for the installation of the new quartz countertops today and the new appliances tomorrow.  Hopefully, we will have a working kitchen by the weekend.

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