All of the reading and reporting for the school year is pretty much done.  All there is left to do is put the final touch on the annual reports, do some math and Spanish, and get ready for Marvis Blinkin’.  Hopefully, the kids will run down to the library today to get their summer reading cards along with enough books to get them started.  We are on a big push now to get the bonus room cleaned up and ready for the summer.  Part of that is getting an inventory of all the books in the Sonlight and other programs so we can know what to order for next year.

Tony, Martha, and Josh came over yesterday afternoon and we had a nice time talking the them.  I showed them how to use Skype.  I am completely amazed with Skype.  It really is better for us than the telephone for our calls to Mexico.  When we get the wireless headset, it will even be better for our domestic long distance calls.  Tony says he is going to get DSL put in at his house so they can use it for their long distance.