"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

The rest of the appliances arrive today

The new counter tops look great.  One of them was cut wrong so we will have to get a new one sometime next week, but they are absolutely beautiful.  We are so happy that we went with quartz instead of granite.  Today, all the rest of the appliances are supposed to arrive.  That includes the refrigerator, the oven, the microwave, the warmer, the dishwasher, and the all important stove hood.  The electrician is supposed to be there on Monday and the plumber is scheduled for Tuesday.  The kitchen could be complete before next weekend if the replacement counter top arrives on time.

Christian and I installed the new Ubuntu Linux Dapper Drake on our homeschool computer last night.  It is really amazing.  All that things that were a struggle before just loaded up and ran this time.  That includes all the DVD stuff, Flash for the Firefox browser, email, networking, etc.  The one disappointment is that the version of Skype we have on Linux does not work as well as the one on windows, but that is a minor thing.  I forgot to try printing with our printer, but I have never had any problems with that on previous version, so I doubt if it will be much of a problem on this one.


The counter tops come today


Almost out of School!!


  1. Dad

    Really?!! Does everything come today!!!

  2. Christian

    Hey dad, today is my last day of school where I have to do stuff in textbooxs or write anything down. What am I supposed to do next week?

  3. Dad

    Oh, how do I get my mail going? I’m pretty sure I have an e-mail back cuz I wrote a lot yesterday.

  4. Christian

    Oh, and Dad, not everything comes today. The hood will not arrive till next week, and the plumber has to set up the stove, but other than that, we’re all set!

  5. Christian

    Oh, oops you said that already.

  6. Dad

    All you have to do is:
    1. Click on the envelope at the top of the screen to open the Thunderbird email program.
    2. Select your name on the left window pane so that it is highlighted.
    3. Click on the “Get Mail” button at the top of the window.

    If you have any mail, that will retrieve it.

  7. Dad


    There are things for you to do for next week in your schedule. Did you get all your math corrected?

  8. Christian

    I already GOT my math corrected just now! .c8 ~ $x%+-=

  9. Dad

    Good job! We will post your Annual Research Report tonight!

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