"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Month: May 2006


That’s our cousin Marloncito. I’m trying out posting up pictures. They are working very hard on the house now. The following is his big brother Lynncito.


Research reports

Kelly is writing her annual research reports on the ancient pyramids of Egypt and Latin America.  Christian is writing his report on the internal combustion engine.  I will post them here as soon as they are finished.  They are shaping up to be even better than last year.  I talked to their uncle Lauro last night and he is quite excited to read the reports.  It was very neat that Lauro’s daughter, Dayanita is taking swimming lessons so that when we all get together again, all the cousins can have a great time swimming.  Kelly and Christian like that very much!

Trapito is Gone

Saturday we gave back Trapito the Attack Dog back to our neighbor’s grandma. It was quite sad, but Dad says that we might get another one when the remodel is over or something like that. My birthday party was great! We stayed up till two and then the next morning I was sick with allergies (and I was tired) so they played hospital with me. Three girls couldn’t stay the night. I want to have a pool party this summer with the same group of friends. The construction group worked all day yesterday and I think they will today too. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo came over yesterday and Dad helped them pick out a computer. I don’t know if Dad has posted any pictures of Trapito or my party in the Gallery yet.

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