"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Looking at houses with Joe

Last night, Lorena, Kelly, Christian, and I all went out looking at houses.  We saw seven or eight of them of which there were two that we really liked.  The one Lorena liked best was really only a single story house.  There was a big bonus room above the garage that has a full bathroom — a very cool feature, but we would probably do most of our living downstairs.  Like all of the houses we can afford, this one has only and electric range.  Lorena really wants her Thermador with blue knobs and an electric griddle.  I cannot blame her.  We are going to ask the builder to change out the range for an oven stack and add a ventilator and the Thermador cooktop, add garbage cans in the cabinets, screen a section of the porch, and add a double mud sink in exchange for finishing the deal by the end of the year.  We think they will go for it.  We will keep you posted.


We are looking at houses again


Waiting to decide


  1. JoAnn Waldo

    Well, we have some very nice houses in our neighborhood that are going for a good price…:-) I know, I know it is too far to commute. Please post pictures of the house and area as the deal unfolds. I’m loving all your posts Ken and I have had a little IMing with Kelly a couple times. The kids are growing and working hard on their school work. Jim is hunting this week with Randy and his cousins in Nyssa….me I’m holding down the fort here and shopping until dark o’ clock at night! Hard job but somebody has to do it!! Love you all very much! Lorena go for the colors this time ok? You NEED red in your house!!!

  2. Dad

    JoAnn!!!!! It is about time you wrote something. If it wasn’t for Kelly, we would think you were DEAD! Kelly has filled us in on things and we hope it is all going OK. We will put up some photos of the house as soon as we have some. The REALLY BIG thing though is that I think I have wrecked Lorena for life. She feels that a cooktop with a hood that have the right brand names and blue knobs is more important than air. What is a guy to do?

  3. Dad, THE HOUSE HAS TWO STORIES!!! There are stairs leading up to a big fully finished bonus room, which also leads to a huge, unfinished, attic.

  4. Dad

    Oops! You are right.

  5. Audrey

    A big name cooktop and hood with blue nobs IS more important air! I mean who cooks the meals for you? Who feeds you all that great Mexican food? Who’s helping Bryan win the weight loss race? Come on! I certainly don’t have ANY problem with blowing an entire appliance budget on a range and hood…what else is there in life??? You have a wonderful little wife who excels at being a “keeper at home” and she should be rewarded with pretty blue knobs if that’s what she requires! Don’t make me send her pictures of my VERY EXPENSIVE range!!!!! Maybe I’ll come teach her how to make truffles in exchange for some good salsa lessons. (Food, not dance 🙂 🙂 :)!!)

  6. Dad

    Man, I am not getting ANY sympathy on ANY of this. No way am I going to win this!

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