"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

It snowed!!

Since we got up, it started to snow very hard outside. After we finished our homeschool, we went outside and built a snowman. But then a few minutes later the sun came out and it melted away half of the snow )-:. we took our snowman and put it in the corner of the fence where it is shady all day, and poured cold water all over it. It got an ice plating, just as we had wanted it to. As it melts it will get a thicker ice plate, and just shrink as opposed to washing away. I want to see if all this actually does work…


Two long days


Snow in Albany!


  1. Kelly

    and we took pictures! Also, I hadn’t finished my school yet, but it was snowing hard (and it never does) so Mom let us go! 🙂

  2. Christian

    It is snowing.

  3. Christian

    It stopped snowing again.

  4. Christian

    It started snowing again.

  5. Christian

    It stopped snowing again. .

  6. Christian

    It started snowing again. .

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