I think last night was the third time we spent the evening at Gary and Brenda Joyce’s house to bring in the New Year. The first time was in the millennial celebration of 2000. We hit one in-between and now we are all the way up to 2007. I surely hope I get to go to a few more in the coming years. Brenda gave Grandpa Lauro, Grandma Conchita, Lorena, and I a super presentation of their recent trip to Poland and the Czech Republic. This crowd likes to play games and we were kind of worried that Grandpa Lauro and Grandma Conchita would be left out because they do not speak English. The main big game that people played was a charades style game and it was hilarious to watch the Mexicans play because it really did not make any difference whether or not they understood English. It was a hoot.


The kids had a ball. Brenda had put butcher paper on a big long table in the dining room along with a bunch of cups of crayons on it. When the kids were not scribbling on the table they running around screaming, playing games, or sitting in the Jacuzzi. The Pedginski’s and Seth’s little cousin Jackson’s family, a couple sections of the Dolan clan, the Anderson’s, and the Ellsberry’s were all there. All-in-all, quite a wild crowd.