"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

San Pedro Garza Garcia

Day: January 30, 2007

Kaktus Kids 2.2

Assuming that anyone that reads this blog reads Kaktus Kids, our bimonthly totally cool magazine, I wanted to give a little teaser on what is coming up in the next issue, Kaktus Kids Feb/March issue. If you scroll down the main blog page a little bit you might come upon a Komix Strip. That masterpiece will be presented in Kaktus Kids next month and we will also have a teaser on an upcoming story that I am writing. Spike the Kaktus will travel to San Antonio Texas and we will have some Valentine’s Day brain teasers in the ‘Fun ‘n’ Games’ section. This is very exciting for us because Kaktus Kids ‘2.2’ will be the second issue that we will have finished on time. It is also the first consecutive issue. We hope that you will enjoy reading Kaktus Kids as much as we enjoyed making it and remember, you can send us stories, pictures, ideas, drawings, jokes, question, comments, poems or chocolate anytime you want! We even have our own e-mail for that! kaktuskids@chapmankids.net!

Busy day of meetings

Last night, I was home alone again for a couple of hours.  Kelly went babysitting, Lorena and Christian went to a Cub Scout meeting, and I stayed home to work out and listen to a debate featuring William Lane Craig.  Tonight, Christian gets his Arrow of Light award at Cub Scouts and on Saturday, I have to fly back down to California.  We are hoping life will slow down a little, but there is probably not that much hope of that until after Easter break with recitals, Kelly’s upcoming birthday, and other events happening one after another.

Amazing event:  It is now exactly two weeks since we bought the first stock pick.  When I checked this morning we were up 6.02% and our comparison S&P 500 value was down 3.02%.  It might be just the timing and the luck of the draw, but it is still cool.  I am writing a program so I can easily post a weekly position graph.  That should be fun.

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