We are back at homeschool today. The kids did absolutely zero homeschool during the holidays. The only thing I did was prepare for one additional week for both the kids and order Kelly’s new Algebra curriculum. It was very nice to have the time off. This week will be a fairly normal week for literature, science, and history, but Christian is finishing up his Singapore Math curriculum to move on to Teaching Textbooks Pre-algebra and Kelly is finishing up Pre-algebra to move on to Algebra. We will spend a week or two just making sure we finish the old curricula well before we move on. In the meantime, our Special Meetings are starting this week and will go on for a couple of weeks. We will go to meetings in Lebanon, Portland, and Salem. One of our ministers, the third Joyce boy, Vernon stayed with us last night. It is amazing to see someone younger quite a bit younger than I with whom I grew up so effectively take a position of authority. He is doing very, very well and will be the last speaker at our first meeting in Lebanon. He has turned into a very impressive man. In the middle of all this, I will need to take what I hope will be a short trip to California to finish up a project.

I am looking forward to writing something other than newsy posts in the coming days. I have been working out some topics on homeschool, investing, programming, and maybe even something on business. Happy New Year to all!!!