This year I have decided to put more effort into my schedule and getting my school tasks done on time. I’ve been writing down a detailed half-hour by half-hour schedule in my diary every night before I go to bed. This really helps me get things done, giving me more time to read my own books or do a craft. Here is a typical school day schedule:

  • 6:30 – Wake up, do a 10 minute workout, make bed, clean room, get ready for the day (change clothes, brush teeth etc.) Read the Bible, memorize verses, and eat breakfast
  • 8:00 – 1/2 hour of piano
  • 8:30 – Geometry
  • 9:00 – Biology
  • 9:30 – Reading and Analogies
  • 10:00 – Rosetta Stone Spanish
  • 10:30 – CLEP Spanish studies and CLEP US History II studies
  • 11:45 – Write in blog or do current events (depending on the day), read poetry to Christian
  • 12:00 – 1/2 hour of piano

It all really depends, but I usually get done by 12 PM every day. Sometimes I mix the schedule up, or push things later because of piano lessons or an orthodontist appointment. This schedule has really been a lifesaver. Last year, in fact, we were really struggling with getting done on time, but now that I have a steady plan, things are much better.

My CLEP studies are also organized into little sections. I first read the material and take notes on 3 to 4 pages of the subject. The following is a sample of some of today’s notes:

The “Hace” Sentence

When action began in past and is continuing in present use following formula:
hace + time + que + Present/Present Progressive

Hace 2 horas que comemos/estamos comiendo

Preterite and Imperfect
yo ame
tu amaste
el/ella/ud. amo
etc. etc. etc.

After I hand write the notes, I type up the previous day’s notes in the computer, and then I read the day before yesterday’s notes to myself. This way I am reviewing the material several times. It is extremely helpful, but also rather tedious. 🙂 But that is just my opinion. Go ahead and ask Dad about it!