"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: August 29, 2008


You’ll notice in the post below this one that there is a picture of me holding my ipod (with it’s new pink cover, thank you very much Yuting!) in front of a very pink wall. That pink wall happens to be located in my bedroom where there are located many other pink accessories and oddities as my father has already explained.

Why so much pink?

One would think that the modern 14 year old girl would turn against this radiant color because of it’s symbolic association with traditional and oppressing femininity . But I embrace the girliness. For me, pink is not just a color. Pink is a lifestyle.

Way back when I was 7 or 8 I liked the color blue very much. Pink was for little girls. I was not a little girl. I was in the third grade! Unfortunately my grandmother liked to think that I still was a tiny baby, so for Christmas she got me all sorts of nice things like hello kitty sweatshirts and plastic horses. Why I did not appreciate them I do not know. Anyway, one Christmas she gave me something pink (I believe it was underpants or socks) “because I liked pink so much”. Little did she know. I smiled graciously and said thank you like the mature child I was, and then I did some thinking.

I didn’t like pink… did I? Of course not. Pink was a juvenile sort of color. Or was it? Maybe I did like pink. A little bit. Not much but. . .

I decided right then and there that PINK was to be my favorite color to the end of my days. I don’t know what got into me, but I’ve stayed true to my promise, and my obsession with that fabulous color has grown over the years. My real friends have learned not to laugh or groan at my color preference. And I think that the ones who do laugh are simply ignorant. 🙂

A couple of pictures

Well, we solved our big, technically challenging problem at work, I finally got the ipod cover Yuting gave to Kelly home, and have decided to put up a couple of pictures to celebrate. The first one is of Kelly holding her ipod with its new cover. Please notice the color of the walls and know that the rest of the room, the stuff you cannot see–bedspread, pillows, knick-knacks, furniture, etc.– is of that same subtle pink tone. It was such an appropriate, thoughtful gift. Kelly appreciated it very much.

Kelly’s new ipod cover from Yuting

The next picture is of Christian studying up in the bonus room. Lorena and the kids cleaned out the bonus room and are hard at their studies. We have gotten off to a great start. Both of the kids have made a big effort to stay organized and work hard. Kelly makes a game plan for each day then attacks it with vigor. The material is getting harder and the work required to learn it can be more trying, yet it is very interesting material and they are learning a lot.

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