"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: August 1, 2008

Posts from my old blog

We homeschooled Kelly when she was in first grade. We started the kids in the government school when Kelly was in the second grade and Christian was in kindergarten. We started to have some real challenges both with the kids and the system when Kelly entered the fourth grade and Christian entered the second grade. I was blogging about all this at the time it was happening in 2004, but I was using a different set of blog software. When I switched from the old software to the WordPress we use now, I stored the old blog posts in a text file to eventually put back up as part of the new blog. I ran across them yesterday and have started to put them up on the blog as I have time. I will start putting links to a couple of them per day as I get them cleaned up and uploaded to the blog. You can find the first two here:

April 5, 2004
April 6, 2004 (no. 1)

Where we get our new. What am I missing?

Last weekend, we were asked where we get our new since we do not have a television and we do not receive a daily newspaper. That is a question that comes up every now and then so I thought I would write a post about what has taken the place of reading the morning newspaper in my life. I get up at 5:30 AM every morning to beat the traffic into work. I leave the house a little before 6:00 and am at my desk at work by 6:20 or so. Before I start work I make a pot of coffee. I have a great job–they provide us as much Starbucks coffee as we can drink every day! Then I sit down to my computer, read a chapter or two in the bible using the e-Sword bible program, record what I read on the blog, post Kelly’s latest Betty Blonde comic, and then settle in to read the news for fifteen or twenty minutes before I start work.

The blogs I read can be broken up into four categories. The categories are Friends and Family, News, Homeschool/Science/Christianity, and Technology. I will not list the Friends and Family blogs because they are probably not of general interest. You might be asking why I include homeschool, science, and Christianity in one category. I do not have an answer for that. That is just the way I do it. If you see something I am obviously missing and that I should be reading, please let me know!


  • Free Republic – Excerpts from, commentary on, and links to a lot of different news sources. Updated in realtime.
  • Hugh Hewitt – Radio talk show hosts website about national politics.
  • Powerline Blog – Three lawyers who went to college together at Dartmouth about national, Minnesota, and Dartmouth politics.
  • World Magazine Blog – Christian worldview magazine blog.



  • Nerdhow – The best technology “how-to” blog on the internet
  • Linux Online – Linux news
  • Slashdot – Technology news aggregator

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