"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Working under pressure on a schedule

One of the most satisfying parts of the kind of work that I do is solving hard problems to get a product to market. It is satisfying, but can be very nerve racking when you know you are the bottle neck on a given project. If you are an engineer, that will happen. I am sure that is true in a lot of other fields, too. Right now, we are in the middle of a very difficult technical issue with a product on which I am working. I worked 16 hours on it and expect to work at least that much today if we do not get it resolved. Having been through this before, it is way less emotional than it was when I just started in the field. The problem is solvable and life will go on, even if this problem does not get solved. It is hard to think that way when in the middle of a problem and people’s hopes and desires are tied to the resolution of the problem.

The funny deal is that I actually enjoy the opportunity to work really hard on something for a period of time. If it extends out beyond a month, it is way less fun, but some of the best work in engineer, or probably anything else, gets done under the pressure of time and economic constraints. This is one of the reasons that test taking is probably a pretty good model for some parts of the real world. You have to be ready for something that is difficult at a specific time and place. You do not want to be under that kind of pressure all the time, but it surely feels good when you perform well under those circumstances.

Sorry for the short post today, but I have to get to work to try to fix a tough problem.

Update: One of my co-workers, Yuting, had an extra pink ipod cover. She wanted me to give it to Kelly for her ipod. Thanks Yuting!

May 18, 2004 – Lawn work and exercise
May 19, 2004 – Working in the yard


My Homeschool Day


Cows point north


  1. AW it’s ADORABLE!!! Pink is my favorite color and I’ve really been wanting an ipod cover for ages!!!!

    Thank you SO much Yuting! It’s really sweet of you to give it to me. 🙂

  2. Yuting

    Kelly, I am glad you love it!:) I got a box of them (total 5) several years ago, I planned to change one cover every day. BUT, after I tried extremely hard to put on it, more than half hour, I decided never ever changing the cover again:) Hope you can make it within half hour:)

  3. Dad

    We will let you know how it goes and put up a picture when she puts on the ipod cover. Thanks, again, Yuting!

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