Reading scholarship about the historicity of the resurrection, the veracity of the Biblical canon, the history and sociology of early Christianity, and to somewhat of a lesser extent, Christian Philosophy and denominational doctrine have been an avocational interests of mine for the last 35-40 years. Even aside from my own personal experiences of Christ which, of themselves are sufficient for belief, I long ago arrived at the conclusion that it would be irrational to believe Jesus had not physically raised from the dead. After that initial insight, more reading has just made that understanding more firm. The biggest effect it has had on my life is with situationally inconvenient events. When the flood is rising it might be situationally inconvenient to leave your house by the river in the valley for higher ground, but it is objectively true that, if you stay, you will drown. I have the sense that, because of my personal experiences with Christ, I would be a Christ follower whether I had this knowledge or not, but it is actually quite freeing to have a rational basis external to my own experience for my belief.