"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: January 8, 2024

Last book for awhile (maybe)

Another book arrived today at the same time as my quarterly medicare payment. Maybe that was reminder that I should not be buying so many new books. I have plenty of reading to last me for the next few months as well as a bunch of audio books for my treadmill and outside walking. Most of the stuff I have been buy is not light reading. I want to take it fast enough so it stays interesting (faster than reading for scholarly reasons), but slow enough that I really get what is being said. My understanding for this book, N.T. Wright’s, The Resurrection of the Son of God, is that it is loaded with references and footnotes and is a definitive analysis of the physical resurrection of Jesus. I have read a lot about that already, but have heard this is a “must read” so I want to be careful in my reading.

Original GaugeCam research

The first “product” we developed when the GaugeCam project started back in 2009 at NCSU was called GRIM. That stood for GaugeCam Remote Image Manager. The name did not evoke a sense of positivity, so in the spirit of G.R.O.S.S. from Calvin and Hobbes (i.e. Get Rid Of Slimy GirlS), we added Educational and changed the software name to GRIME. A MUCH better name for people mucking around in the mud. Today, Troy sent me some of the accuracy research results for the project. We (and she) think it is Kelly’s handwriting, but we are really not sure. At the top of the page you can see GRIM VERSION: 0.1j. I looked at the appendix of my dissertation that holds the release notes for all the GRIME software I wrote and it says that it was released on July 30, 2009. It is cool that we have a record that shows we were doing the research from that far back.

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