The offering from official photographer for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln 2023 Fall graduation arrived in the mail the other day. I was not planning on getting any more pictures, but I liked this one, so bought it. I am still struggling with what to next and now it is compounded by the fact that a couple members of my team are going to hang up their keyboards and retire. Mark and Frank are ages 77 and 78 and I cannot say I blame them. I would love to work at something I love as long as they have and contribute at their (extremely) high level of performance. I suppose it happens to everyone that they start noticing what the lives of their peers is like after they retire. The more I see that and think about it, the more I want to continue working or doing hard things as long as possible. Mike, my co-vice president, told me his dad was 85 years old and still goes into work two days per week to keep his mind active. Donald Trump seems to be getting more vigorous every day and it might be attributable to the fact that he has found something meaningful that he wants to accomplish that requires that vigor and an active mind. The older I get, the more I think maybe I need to consider trying to work until I am 80, God willing, of course.