I am very proud of my buddy John S. who had his first PhD committee meeting at University of Nebraska-Lincoln. I meet John in 2007 when I started a new job in Raleigh, North Carolina. We worked MANY late nights together and formed a life-long friendship. He is about a decade younger than I am so, while he is younger then me, I could not say that he is young. One night when I was about a third of the way into my PhD program, we got into a conversation about what I was doing. He thought he might like to do something like that, too, so I connected him up with my professor Troy G. To make a long story short, they talked, he applied to the program and has been working on it ever since. He has had a HUGE impact on our area of research. I have to say that is significantly greater than my own research. I did perform the prototype work for his research topic, but he has taken it wildly beyond what I did or even imagined. I think he is about half-way through his program now, has been instrumental in helping to secure grants for Troy and is on the way to very big things in the area of ground-based imagery analysis and machine learning/artificial intelligence for ecology and hydrology. His committee meeting went really well. We are all very much looking forward to where his research leads.
Month: January 2024 Page 1 of 2
It is another beautiful day in the barrio in San Pedro. My brothers-in-law, Lauro and Lynn, took Grandma Conchita up to look at the house on hill and at the apartment building which is still not quite complete. It is getting close, but there always seems to be on other “little” thing to do. The view here is from the second floor balcony looking to the right in the direction of the Huasteca and the location of the new Tesla factory in construction in Santa Catarina. Lauro showed live video of the house and the hill. I am glad he did because we decided, on the spot, to add a balcony to the first floor so there will be more light and a great view out to the valley below.
I am working through the weekend to finish some algorithms for a demo one of our sales people needs to do on Monday. The purpose of the demo is to show that we can measure bacteria in images with sufficient precision and enough features (contour roughness, 3-D, inferences, shape analysis, texture analysis, etc.) to inform the customers about the things they want to know including differentiation of bacteria types, size, growth rates, etc. Honestly, I love doing this kind of task. It seems like when there are “hair-on-fire” moments, ideas seem to percolate a bit more than at other times. I think that might be because as the results from one algorithm are available, the knowledge derived from that can inspire new ideas.
Puedes decir que quieres, pero la verdad es que Tejas tiene atardeceres sin par. Lorena tomó ese foto alrededor de Navidad con una luna hermosa y colores increíbles. Es una de las muchas cosas que hemos disfrutado con todo que da durante nuestro tiempo acá. Lo probabilidad es que no vamos a estar acá mucho tiempos mas pero es cierto que lo hemos disfrutado mucho.
We have a big demo coming up at my day job that has to do with the ability to measure different types of bacteria and one type of fungus in an time series of images. Of course, I have only gotten this one image so far, the whole time series is to follow soon, so the clock does not start ticking on the demo development until I have downloaded all the images. What that means is that I am almost certainly going to be working all weekend long, late into the night on these things. This probably should make me sad, but frankly, this stuff is really, really fun when one can get it to work and I am pretty much looking forward to the work–or at least the end product if I can get it right.
Lorena returned from her visit with Christian in Boston today and life is profoundly better now that she is here. It is just not as nice when she is not where she loves to be in her house. I had fallen off the wagon on my diet and exercise program, but she has me up and going again–Salmon, salad, and asparagus for dinner tonight–high protein, low calorie, filling, and extremely tasty. I am in the middle of a bunch of heavy stuff at work so having her here is a huge help. She has to go to the doctor tomorrow, but that does not get in the way of managing her house and managing me for which both the house and I are very grateful. I think I might be working all weekend this weekend because of pressing requirements at my day job. It is not a problem at all when Lorena is here to keep things under control.

The one on the left is Tío Lauro’s etching titled El Científico. The one on the right is a picture of Christian that Lorena took from his apartment in Cambridge working from home for the day. Not only the likeness, but the character/posture/spirit/intensity is captured with amazing accuracy in the grabado.
The volunteer Hydrology work I do with University Nebraska-Lincoln is starting to solidify now that I no longer have a formal position at UNL. Last night a researcher in Brisbane, Australia met online to work out the use of the GRIME2 Command Line Interface (CLI) libraries for measurement of water level at what could be over 100 separate locations if we can demonstrate capability. Then today, I met online with a graduate student who we hope will be able to extend the libraries to handle much smaller calibration targets for the purpose of crowd-sourcing imagery and placing small calibration targets at the top of garden variety staff gauges. What is great about this is that these people are starting to adopt and extend the libraries without my involvement other than to provide guidance to get them going and to help them when they get stuck.
It always stinks to not have Lorena here with me, but if she is not with me, it is all OK if she can be with one of the kids. Christian and Lorena were going to take another shot at going to a Trump rally in New Hampshire today, but when they went out to take the train to a restaurant, then had more rational thoughts, so the turned around and went home. And they decided that if they could not even get to a restaurant because of the cold, why would it make any sense to go to New Hampshire to stand in line out in the cold for hours to get into the Trump rally. Instead, they bought a soup bone, some beef stew meat, vegetables, and little corn-on-the-cobs, went home and made some Mexican caldo. That was the best idea they had all day. The photo above is of Boston across the solidly frozen Charles River.
Christian and Lorena got tickets for the Trump rally today in Manchester, NH, drove up there from Cambridge (only about an hour drive), saw the massive lines to get in, checked the temperature (14° F), and decided to try again tomorrow at the Concord, NH rally. Lorena has been a huge Trump fan since the very beginning. They were pretty sad, but there was a good chance that the would have stood in line for several hours and still not been able to get in. I have gotten a lot less political with age. More and more, I am buying into the “not my circus, not my monkeys” motif and I think it seems to serve me well. It is very much in the spirit of “render unto Caesar” and the whole concept behind Mere Christianity. Still, I do like the Donald and would love to see him poke the establishment in the eye.
Our insanely talented (and creative) friend Stacey knitted these two gnomes for our fireplace. They are PERFECT! We had no idea they would be so good. They had to be a ton of work and that they were hand-knitted by one of our favorite people in the world made them even better. They just showed up in the mail. Incredibly thoughtful.
Today is a travel day for Lorena and I. I am headed for a very short start in Portland to meet with my research team for my day job, spend a long overdue evening with my siblings and to take my friend Bryan to dinner to catch up. I am scheduled to be home before the end of the weekend. Lorena, for her part is doing something way cooler, both in terms of temperature and coolness. She is flying to Boston to accompany Christian to a Donald Trump rally in New Hampshire leading up to the primary. Will report on this as soon as I have news.

Reading scholarship about the historicity of the resurrection, the veracity of the Biblical canon, the history and sociology of early Christianity, and to somewhat of a lesser extent, Christian Philosophy and denominational doctrine have been an avocational interests of mine for the last 35-40 years. Even aside from my own personal experiences of Christ which, of themselves are sufficient for belief, I long ago arrived at the conclusion that it would be irrational to believe Jesus had not physically raised from the dead. After that initial insight, more reading has just made that understanding more firm. The biggest effect it has had on my life is with situationally inconvenient events. When the flood is rising it might be situationally inconvenient to leave your house by the river in the valley for higher ground, but it is objectively true that, if you stay, you will drown. I have the sense that, because of my personal experiences with Christ, I would be a Christ follower whether I had this knowledge or not, but it is actually quite freeing to have a rational basis external to my own experience for my belief.
The offering from official photographer for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln 2023 Fall graduation arrived in the mail the other day. I was not planning on getting any more pictures, but I liked this one, so bought it. I am still struggling with what to next and now it is compounded by the fact that a couple members of my team are going to hang up their keyboards and retire. Mark and Frank are ages 77 and 78 and I cannot say I blame them. I would love to work at something I love as long as they have and contribute at their (extremely) high level of performance. I suppose it happens to everyone that they start noticing what the lives of their peers is like after they retire. The more I see that and think about it, the more I want to continue working or doing hard things as long as possible. Mike, my co-vice president, told me his dad was 85 years old and still goes into work two days per week to keep his mind active. Donald Trump seems to be getting more vigorous every day and it might be attributable to the fact that he has found something meaningful that he wants to accomplish that requires that vigor and an active mind. The older I get, the more I think maybe I need to consider trying to work until I am 80, God willing, of course.
We woke up to snow on the ground with a temperature of 10° Fahrenheit and a wind-chill factor taking it down to -5°. The temperature was in the forecast, but the snow was not. Even this small amount of snow makes driving crazy in this part of the world so we are planning to stay in the house for the next couple of days and hope for warm enough weather that the roads are clear for us to go to the airport for an upcoming trip. Since today is a day off from work (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day), it will be really nice to sit around with a fire in the fireplace, drink coffee, read books, and work on hobby projects with no compulsory work requirements. I think we even have some ribeye left in the fridge! We just hope the electricity stays on.
This little device arrived literally on my doorstep today and, marvel of all marvels and miracle of all miracles, it was delivered there on a Sunday by the venerable United States Postal Service. Hats off!!! It is a great solution to an irritating problem–keeping my book open at arms length (reading distance given my advanced age and seeing ability) while I drink my drink and eat my snack. It was cheap and works as advertised. It came in a package of two devices, so there is one for Lorena and/or to throw into my backpack for travel.
I took my beautiful bride for birthday lunch at an exceptional restaurant in downtown Fort Worth named Istanbul just a block or two away from the building the exploded there a couple of weeks ago. Lorena, our buddy, Ralph, and I stopped in there for a drink over Thanksgiving and we have been wanting to back there for dinner ever since. It was well worth it and cannot wait to take the kids there. Tomorrow is Lorena’s actual birth date and we were planning to wait until then, but the temperature is expected to go from a high 63 today to a high of 22 tomorrow with an even bigger dip on Monday. We made the executive decision that today might be a better time to drive into Fort Worth than today.
60 calorie Dave’s Killer Power Seed Bread (made in Oregon with Red Mill flour) has been a staple of my weight loss regimen ever since we discovered it back when we were living in Wilsonville when my parents were coming to the end of their stay on this earth. We have had somewhat of a struggle finding it in our part of Texas–not that it is not available, but that it is almost always out of stock. Well, we ran over to Burleson for part of the celebration of Lorena’s birthday. We needed some spicy pickles and we knew they were available in Kroger’s, but were pleasantly surprised to find they had four loaves of this prized product so we bought them all!
It is supposed to be very cold on Sunday and Monday, but we have a full birthday weekend planned. We went to Chick-fil-A for lunch and stopped at McDonald’s for decaf and pie for dessert! Tomorrow is much bigger and will be in Fort Worth, but we plan to buy some ribeye, build a fire and hang out at the house during the cold days.
I figured out a little bit of a medium term project to do now that I am done with college. I have wanted to build my self-hosted, open source video surveillance system for our house for a long time. It is somewhat of a tedious project, but lots of people have done it and I think it will be fun and useful. I bought four IP (WiFi) cameras and a NUC i5 computer to use as a server. If/when I get it going, I hope to install the first system in our house here in Texas, then build up another system to with a few more cameras for our house in San Pedro. I will try to document it here with the specs of the hardware I use and the software I use.