With Lorena gone, I drove over to Granbury to check out the Hood County Library situated not to far from their historic town center. I LOVED it. It is a small library and probably more of community gathering place than a place to check out books, but they have an excellent little bookstore where you can buy books, very inexpensively, that people donate to support the library. When I went back there, I met three retired volunteers working there. They were very friendly and, just when I got there, they were all heading out to the parking lot to look at the eclipse with the special dark sunglasses you need to be able to do that. They asked me if I would like to see it, too, then kindly lent me a pair of glasses to take a look. That sight is ALWAYS amazing to see. On the way out of the library, I stopped by the desk to see if it was possible to get a library card even though we do not live in Hood County. They said, sure, but I could only check out 5 books at a time for three weeks and I could not use any of their online services. That was GREAT, so I got one and am quite pleased with myself.

On the way home, I picked up some gas and then bought a diet coke and a Kroger chicken breast for lunch. That was a good thing, too, because it got me out of the house. When Lorena is gone, I really get unmotivated (a bad thing) and this just taught me the lesson that I need to find an excuse, no matter how feeble, to get out of the house at least once every day. I did not have much of a plan when I first got up this morning, but now I have new good stuff to do.