I am grateful to my professor Troy at University of Nebraska–Lincoln for having funded the tuition and fees for my Ph.D. studies. It was especially kind of him because they were much higher than normal due to the fact that I do not live in Nebraska so he had to pay out-of-state tuition. In addition to that, special arrangements had to made because I was a full-time student with a full-time job enrolled as an on-campus student, but taking all my classes online. Every semester there was a hiccup with the tuition due to these special circumstances. The hiccups never got ironed out until after the Payment Due Date so we always got accessed a late fee which had to be waived after it was demonstrated that it was the fault of the financial department. The last semester held to form. The last late fee was waived yesterday. The only thing left now is to wait for some commencement instructions to arrive via email and to attend the commencement.

Thanks again, Troy!