This post is inspired by the exemplary calendar keeping of Brett Kavanaugh and, more impressively, his father. I have never really kept a calendar, but I have been assiduously attentive to writing on this blog for a long time. I hardly believe it, but I have been keeping a blog now for over 14 years at a rate of over twenty posts per month. I started in 2004. At the writing of this blog, the post count stands at 3551 posts. Only a handful of them are not mine. One of the more significant addenda to this blog is the tracking of my Bible reading. I started that in 2006 (over 12 years) and my Bible reading and enjoyment of reading has gradually increased to the point where I am on track to make it through the entire Bible in a single year–something I have never done before and thanks, to a large extent, to keeping track of my reading on this blog, 

The honest truth is that I do not have much of any real significance about which to write since our homeschool end a little over four years ago. I had heard that people who keep diaries from an early age through their active years tend to accomplish more. There must be some research somewhere that backs that up? I know it has been true for me. When I am inspired to write stuff down, planning before I do it, documenting my steps as I go along, and analyzing the results when I am done, I certainly seem to accomplish more.

My thought, thanks to Judge Kavanaugh, is that if I find something that inspires me to write, maybe that will up my game a little as I move toward retirement–from my profession, hopefully not my active participation in significant projects.