"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: September 8, 2018

Quiche for lunch

Kelly is coming home this afternoon for a few hours to wash some clothes and get some work done. Lorena made up some quiche out of leftovers from the party. We are planning to do nothing but get stuff done today–we will see if that plan actually works. Hopefully the plan will include a practice run on a new way to cook tri-tip. Well, it is new to us. I think everybody and their grandmother has done what we are going to try, but Lorena thinks she is really bad at stuff that she has not tried before. With respect to cooking, that is almost certainly 100% wrong these days. If it was ever true before, it is certainly not true now.

Bob harvesting apples

Bob came over yesterday to picks some apples for us and for him. I said previously the harvest was much bigger this year than last year. The pruning we had done must have helped a lot. We thought we had not done so well with the pears because they were really pretty small, but the ripened up nicely, so Kelly and Lorena are going to try to make something with them today. We also got an amazing plum harvest, but only a few peaches, but the peaches we did get were great.

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