"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: September 15, 2018

Bluetooth scale: New tool to beat Jon in the weight loss wars

I have always quit my daily weigh-ins when I was traveling, but my weight loss war with has Jon has forced me to re-prioritize. To that end, I bought a Bluetooth scale that can sync with the Fitbit app on my Android phone. It measures more than just weight, but that is all I really want to track because I track food intake and other measures in other ways. The reality is that I don’t really need Bluetooth connectivity and it is a little bit of a pain because I have to keep the thing charged with a USB charger while most of these kinds of scales have (pretty much) lifetime batteries.

Christian’s first grade drawings: Sickness

No one suffered quite as much as Christian when he was a child.

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