"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: August 28, 2018

A box of Kiwi

And of course, whenever we get new boxes, we cannot throw them away for several days because it gets immediately inhabited. Lorena said Kiwi sat slept in the box all day, only coming out for food.

Retro camera

I imagine the amazing improvements to the features and image quality of cell phone cameras have done away with a big chunk of the snapshot camera market. When we move to Washington, I found our old Canon camera that was really a great little camera at the time we bought it. I took a few pictures with it and then put it away. The image quality and easy of use of my Note 4 was way better. That has been multiplied even more with the Pixel 2 phones Lorena and I purchased a few months back. So, it was a little bit of a surprise when Kelly told me she wanted to get a “Polaroid” camera that takes pictures that print immediately onto a 2.4″ x 1.8″ snapshot paper. Talk about retro. The funny deal is I remember when the first instant Polaroid cameras were the new-new thing and very expensive. I guess it is all kinds of fun for the right kind of people at the right kind of party. We will see.

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