"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: August 9, 2018

Getting through the bible in a year

Reading through the BibleI started this last read through the Bible, reading a couple of chapters per day, but pretty quickly went to three chapters and then, most weeks, I ended up reading a two to three extra chapters on Wednesdays (for Bible study) and on Sundays. It dawned on me that I was getting through the Bible fairly quickly. Based on where I am now, I can get through the entire Bible in a year if I average a little under three and a half chapters per day until November 15 of this year–I started on November 16, 2017. I am going to take a stab at it. I have been enjoying my reading more and more all the time.

Lorena is a coed again!

Lorena signed up for class today at Centralia College. She is taking only one class, but it will get her into the system and she only has a few left before she gets her Associates Degree. Astronomy is a five hour online class. We hope to be able to use Bob’s telescope if the weather cooperates. Hopefully, she will be able to finish up in a year or so if she takes one or two classes per semester. They accepted almost all of her credits so we are in a very good place for her to attend.

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