"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Day: August 2, 2018

The mothering instinct

Every time Lorena visits Christian in Tempe, she washes all of his unwashed clothes, irons and/or folds them and puts them away, does a deep cleaning of the entire house, but especially the bathroom, buys him more bottled water than he could drink in three months (you need to stay hydrated in Tempe), makes a Costco run because Christian does not have a Costco card, and generally is an organizing/cleaning whirlwind for the entire time she is there. The thing my  very sophisticated and world-wise older cousin Merle said about his dear older sister is that “the mothering instinct in that woman has gotten way out of hand.” This, I think, is certainly true of Lorena–in a good way (of course)!

Grandpa Milo’s 89th birthday

Grandpa Milo the Dandy wearing a flower and white shoesToday would have been Grandpa Milo’s 89th birthday. He was an exceptional father and an exceptional man. Every man has his flaws, but Grandpa Milo was always kind and pulled out all the stops when he saw a need. He and Grandma Sarah both truly had a heart for the underdog. It is nice to remember him and to be thankful to God for such a father.

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