In quite a good article titled Why do so many liberals despise Christianity?, liberal author Damon Linker describes what I honestly believe is the current liberal zeitgeist. It seems like people who hold what would have been considered traditional liberal, Christian values not too many years ago are are no longer welcome at the table of the liberal “elites” who currently reign over much of government and higher academia. There are many reasons why this might have happened, but an argument can be made for the idea that scholarly rigor in the social sciences at the highest academic levels is dramatically diminished relative to what it was even before World War II. I enjoyed Linker’s article very much and believe the situation can only improve if views like his hold sway. He rightly notes that the preponderance of help in the current war against Ebola has come from Christians, but that that help is viewed with skepticism by many of the liberal elite is just wrong.

Betty Blonde #193 – 04/13/2009
Betty Blonde #193
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