An article in Business Insider features a list of how well different major did on their SAT score. It is a fascinating article. The winner, Interdisciplinary majors, people who want to study more than one thing do best. It is hard to say what that means because it is not specified what the multiple majors might be, but the two majors after that are Mathematics and Physical Science in that order. It is interesting to me that those majors did significantly better on the Reading and Writing sections than the Social Science and English Majors did on the Mathematics section. That has kind of been our operating theory all along. If you can get the Math, it is possible to do well on the reading and writing, but that is not necessarily true the other way around.

The other thing that was very apparent is that Education majors are very poor on all of the above. It makes me sad for those teachers whether they are working for the government or in the private sector whose vocation are as educators, but who have to suffer the fools who teach them and/or are only in it for an easy paycheck. I know working teachers and some of my own teachers from when I was in government school who were dedicated, brilliant and invested in helping kids. It is too bad those teachers were the exception rather than the rule. We have to get the unions, government and the educational ivory tower out of the control of public education.

Betty Blonde #194 – 04/14/2009
Betty Blonde #194
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