I wrote a blog post a couple of days ago on David Barash’s absurd statements about the impact of the study of evolution on History, Philosophy and Theology. Barash is the University of Washington Biology professor who pontificates vigorously and confidently about this from what is, quite evidently, a position of complete ignorance about how work is done in those three fields.

His ignorance does not even slow him down. He continues to clown himself in new venues, the latest being an op-ed he wrote for the New York Times. That seems fitting somehow in as much as the Times is not too much of a paragon of clear thinking and veracity itself.  It turns out that the Discovery Institute in Seattle has been on the case. Their Evolution News and Views blog articles here, here and here are well worth the read both in terms of entertainment and as a reality check for David Barash, PhD.

Betty Blonde #175 – 03/18/2009
Betty Blonde #175
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