Note: This post is one in a series on how we prepared our homeschooled children to take various College Level Examination Program tests. The introductory post for this series explains why we take these tests, what parts of the preparation worked for us, and what parts of the preparation did not work.

The CLEP test: Biology

Primary study materials:

Secondary study materials:


We had read in a number of homeschool forums that Apologia Biology by itself was not sufficient to prepare a student to take the CLEP Biology exam.  We always use the REA books to supplement our test preparation, but were a little bit worried.  We read from a number of people that, since we use Apologia, even their Advanced Biology was barely adequate to prepare someone for the test.  We found that to be totally bogus.  Kelly had a great year of Biology study using the regular Apologia Biology program in conjunction with the Sonlight Biology lesson plan and supplemental materials.  She got a good foundation in everything required to take the test.  She needed to learn some of the material with more specificity, but that was very well covered in the REA book.  We read two additional books aloud together that were not only informative, but also very inspiring.  The first, Explore Evolution, gave a very balanced explanation of the current state of the evolution controversy at a level that is very well suited for highschool readers.  The second, Understanding Intelligent Design, did the same thing for the rapidly advancing field of ID research.  Other than hitting the REA book a little harder for a week or two before the test, we would not change a thing in the way preparation.


Kelly was fifteen years old at the end of the ninth grade when she took this test and had a scaled score that, according to the REA book, would give her a high B if the course were graded. Christian is scheduled to take the test next year (at the end of eighth grade).

What we would do differently:

Due to a heavy, end of year schedule Kelly did not devote as much time to study of the REA book.  She feels if she would have spent even one more week of hard study in that book should could have raised her score the few points necessary to be in the A category.