"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Christian’s guitar lessons with a new teacher

Christian will have his first guitar lesson today with his new teacher Alex Gorodezky.  You can see a short biography of him on this page.  Lorena, Kelly, and Christian met him last week at his home in downtown Raleigh.  It will be great for Lorena and Kelly, because Christian’s lessons are within walking distance of the North Carolina History Museum and the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences as well as lots and lots of shopping.  Mr. Gorodezky got his music degree from the Gliere Music College, a very prestige school in Kiev, Ukraine.  We will probably need to get a nylon string guitar as that is what is best for the classical and flamenco music on which Christian will work.  The lessons have increased now from a half an hour with his previous instructor to an hour, so that will be a good change, too.


Free time as a summer goal


Drama and CLEP tests


  1. Michaela has mentioned playing guitar. I still have not decided what to do with that, because she’s got other things that she says as well. Piano, voice, pottery lessons, and the list can go on depending on the day. I guess when you’re 10… 🙂 She already takes karate, which I want her to continue with.

    Thomas and I have discussed whether or not to make John continue viola. It would mean private lessons in the next town since the high school does not have an orchestra, and practicing in a group setting could be arranged with some effort. We’re split in our initial thoughts. 🙂 We’ll see what happens as we find out what he could do with strings in the school ensemble.

    Christian’s lessons sound great! I love to hear classical guitar. (The shopping sounds great too.)


  2. Dad

    Man, I hope John continues with the Viola. That is an awesome instrument. We are not a very musical family, but we keep plugging away. We know you guys are very musically talented. I know so many people who love it that they kept practicing when they were young even when they did not want to.

  3. Oh, not sure about that, but you are kind. Thomas can sing beautifully and played in band. I can carry a tune and played in band. Joseph has been declared tone deaf by the piano teacher who taught Daniel one year, but he has always had so many ear infection/speech/language problems, I guess I’m not surprised. Sad, but not surprised. John does well with his viola, but I’m not sure how musically inclined he really is. Obviously he has enough talent to play and progress, but there does not seem to be a passion there.


  4. Trisha

    This is AWESOME!!! I am sooo excited for Christian.

  5. Dad

    Really, Lynn, I think a love of music and an ability to create it is a gift that keeps on giving. It sounds like you have made a great effort to assure your kids had opportunities for both. I believe, no matter what level of talent, if they are exposed to teaching they will benefit greatly.

    I am excited, too, Trisha. He is working on one specific piece that I will try to put up on youtube as soon as he gets it down. Come to think of it, it might be fun to get Kelly to do her recital piece for youtube now!

  6. Karen

    Way to go Christian – your dad needs to post some music clips of you playing – also your sister! We aren’t real musical here either, except in that we enjoy our own noises!! Which is what really counts! Although I must say I’m always amazed to hear Lenore play the piano – very few piano lessons but she is by far way ahead of me at playing the piano – I’m guessing she’ learning several complex pieces each month on her now! I’m glad since we get to enjoy the fruits of her labor!! (as I’m sure is true for you, Ken & Lorena)!

  7. Dad

    Thanks Karen. The difference is that your family actually has some musical talent (we have heard your kids perform)! I honestly think Leonore is one of those people that just GET it when it comes to music. Kelly and Christian are getting there. I will post a clip when we come up for breath. We are looking forward to seeing everyone in a couple of months.

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