"In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." –John 16:33

Homeschool update – 2009 May – End of Year

The school year ended for us on Monday of this week.  We had a great school year, our sixth full year since we started.  Here is a brief list of some of the things each of the kids accomplished:

Kelly’s Freshman year of high school

  • Finished Geometry and got a good start into Precalculus
  • Received college credit through CLEP tests for Sociology (3 hours), Psychology (3 hours), U.S. History II (3 hours), and Spanish (12 hours).  She will take Biology on June 10 which should bring her grand total to 34 credit hours which would make here a college sophomore
  • Completed her tenth year of piano lessons with a great teacher (Brenda Bruce) very encouraged to continue through college
  • Established a routine to systematically measure improvements in exercise performance while planning and maintaining a health diet
  • Finished memorizing Matthew 6, 7, and 8 to be video taped this summer for posterity
  • Read all the Sonlight literature  and history books for the year
  • Completed Apologia Biology
  • Continued working through the second year of Rosetta Stone Spanish
  • Received a very satisfactory score on her first attempt at the ACT college entrance exam

Christian’s seventh grade year

  • Finished Algebra II and got a good start into Geometry
  • Received college credit for his first CLEP test in Freshman English Compositon (6 hours)
  • Completed his third year of guitar–we have found him a new and very accomplished teacher about whom I will write more later
  • Established a routine to systematically measure improvements in exercise performance
  • Finished memorizing Matthew 6 and 7 to be video taped this summer for posterity
  • Read all the Sonlight literature and history books for the year
  • Completed Apologia Physical Science
  • Completed his two year survey of World History
  • Continued working throught the second year of Rosetta Stone Spanish
  • Received a high enough score on the ACT college entrance exam as part of the Duke TIP testing to receive a state award
  • Assembled a Ham radio (needs to be tested and tuned to get it to work).

Both of the kids continued work on a variety of craft and art projects including knitting, crocheting, drawing comics, etc.  It was a super year that we enjoyed very much.  This summer both of the kids are going to work on their math and Spanish at about half a normal schedule.  They will also both practice their instruments through the summer, swim for the swim team, go to visit relatives, and to two or three church conventions.  Schools out for summer!  I will write a little bit about the plan for next year, but that can wait until next month.


The Founding Fathers


Starting to run


  1. Ruthie

    Bravo! Sounds like it was a very productive year for all of you. How satisfying!

  2. Dad

    Thanks Ruthie! It was a great year for us. Are you year-rounders or do you take the summer off?

  3. Congratulations!


  4. Ruthie

    We do summer like you….. math when we are home, and a few other things that I feel we are lacking in. We are in the middle of a house painting project….the girls decided to tear apart their room and just go for it…so they are out in the family room till that all gets put back together, and then next week the formal living and dining rooms(aka school room, cause “what’s formal?” There is none of that going on at this house!)and the family rooms will get painted, Lord willing. We are having somewhat of a family reunion with my parents and all 6 of my siblings and their families in July for my father’s 75 (shhhh)and so I will have relatives in and out for about 2 weeks. We have wanted to paint for 2 years, needed to paint for about 10 (haha), so we are finally giving it a spot on the priority list and are just going to let everything else slide -except math – till we get it done. The house will look so much fresher with a new coat of paint.

    The kids have been involved with VBS at a particular church for many years and when they reach the summer between 7th and 8th they can no longer be a participant, so they become a helper. This year one of Emma’s friends (who is a member of this church)is actually one of the people spearheading it and so all the kids are really involved and will help to make it a success. It is pretty much youth run this year. They have at least 150 (peyton says 200) kids participate every year and it is a very successful and popular VBS program.

    Emma is hoping to do a senior road trip for a few days with some girlfriends later on in July or August. We are doing our annual camping week at Pfeiffer Big Sur (if it doesn’t get shut down)and hoping to fill the rest of the summer with impromptu get togethers, etc.

  5. Dad

    It seems like we lead parallel homeschool lives, Ruthie. The math, the painting AND a visit to Oregon this summer for Grandpa Milo’s 80th birthday! That summer road trip sounds super for Emma, too. Here is hoping we all have a great summer!

  6. You all have had such great accomplishment this year! Congratulations! I read this the other day, but did not comment yet. I wanted to come back and look again. It’s just so much!! I think I’m as much impressed with the Matthew memorization as anything. That’s awesome. We did *some* memory work, and Michaela did well with it, so this encourages me to tackle even more. Do you recite what you’ve learned again from time to time to remeber it?

    Great job!

  7. Dad

    Thanks for the encouragement Lynn. We do recite what we learn from time to time. This summer, we are going to video them doing the recitation for posterity. I told the kids they could get their license when they could quote the sermon on the mount and the took it to heart.

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